project type / product launch collateral
dates / sept to feb 19 [part time]
art direction / alfie
creative work / alfie
This advert centred around idea of a virtual test lab where we could demonstrate the testing procedures of the labs.
Despite this being the first substantial piece of commercial CGI I did, I think that the general look of the stills stands up. The main thing I would revisit would be the cinematography, which is very weak here and something I focussed on subsequent to this work.
The advert featured on a number of different platforms, including US domestic television and in stadiums during the supercross.
fly racing launch
This was the earliest commercial 3D animation I created. The advert comprised 100% of CGI made by me using Blender.
The final advert was edited and published by FLY RACING ( It featured on US TV 38 times with an estimated 10,000,000 views. It was also played in 6 stadiums during Supercross events.